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IEEE - Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos



The Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) is organized by decree 30-IV-1970 within the CESEDEN (Higher School of National Defense Studies) which was established by Decree 16-I-1964 under the direct dependence of the High Chief of General Staff.

Its references: the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) in London, civil and private sectors; the Institute des Hautes Études de Defense Nationale (IHEDN) from Paris, official and civilian; and the National Defense Institute (NDI) of Lisbon, under official military leadership.

There were on its vision multiple research centers on sociology, polemology, conflict analysis and reflections on peace.  In particular, it accepted a name derived from the French Institute for Strategic Studies, founded by General Andre Beaufre, who didn´t survived the premature death of the strategist occurred after the creation of the IEEE.

The IEEE is placed under the command of Brigadier-General (or Admiral) with the mission of developing strategic, sociological and war studies and they military applications.  It should maintain doctrinal relationships with similar centers in other nations specialized in international security affairs.  Also, it was in charge of promoting activities on the so called “national awareness on defense”.

With the title of General (or Admiral) Permanent Secretary of the IEEE, have served (from 1970 to 1999) general Cuartero Larrea, Martínez Aguilar, Abel Barahonda, the rear-admiral Jesus Salgado Alba and General Miguel Alonso Baquer (1986 -1999).

With the IEEE already integrated in the Ministry of Defense (1996) it had as directors the admirals Rafael Lapique, Munoz Delgado and Rodriguez Toubes.  Today, from April 2009, the head of the IEEE is the General Director Miguel Angel Ballesteros.

Since its integration into the Defense Ministry, its dependence has shifted from the General Directorate of Defense Policy to the General Secretariat of Defence Policy (SEGENPOL), under the General Directorate of Institutional Relations (DIGERINS), which currently has become dependent to the Minister of Defense.

In R.D. 452/2012 of 5 March, development of the basic organizational structure of the Ministry of Defense, states that the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) happens to have organizational unit of the Centre for Higher National Defence Studies and functional Secretary General for Defence Policy in relation to the dissemination of the culture of security and defense and the promotion of awareness of National defense.