Logotipo del Ministerio de Defensa

DCDD – Departamento de Cultura y Diplomacia de la Defensa



The CCDC (Joint Centre for Concept Development) directs, promotes and co-ordinates the operational analysis, the study of future scenarios, the development of operational concepts and experimentation, and the development of joint and combined military doctrine, in benefit of the Joint Force operational capabilities and of the Armed Forces transformation. The CCDC maintains relationships with homologous bodies of allied countries and of international security organisations, with the MoD General Directorate for Armament and Material, and with the Services and other organisations of the Defence Staff.


  • To collaborate in drafting the military strategic framework and general scenarios, as well as to promote the necessary studies to guide the analysis and definition of the Joint Force future operating scenarios.
  • To direct and co-ordinate the study of new operational concepts that support the enhancement of military capabilities, whilst maintaining the necessary relations with counterparts of allied countries and international organisations, as well as other national organisations.
  • To promote and co-ordinate the study and development of the joint and combined doctrine, maintaining the necessary relationships with other the bodies of the Armed Forces and with international organisations, through the analysis of lessons identified and doctrinal deficiencies.